Grow and run your own scalable on demand delivery service.
Frequently asked questions
Getting Started
Who can be a Customer "Vendor" on WuHu?
You must be 18 years or older to create an account and have an active business or organisation in the UK as a Sole Trader, Partnership, Limited Company or non-profit organisation. All users will need to create a web account to view local independent courier service providers and book their services.
What is Pay per Order?
Pay per Order is the WuHu option that allows you to post ad hoc orders to couriers in the vicinity for delivery. You are only charged when a pay per order is successfully delivered by a courier. For each posted order you set the delivery fee and can post the order to a particular courier of your choice or to the network of couriers in the vicinity for a courier to accept. For each order to be delivered and considered completed you will need to share the Collection Code and Delivery Code with the courier when they collect the order and on delivery. These are unique 4 digit codes generated by the system for you to share at each stage of the delivery to track your delivery.
What is Hire by Hour?
Hire by Hour allows you to hire a courier for a specific pre-defined duration at the courier's private hire rate. To hire a courier select your preferred courier enter the date, duration and job description in the Hire by Hour form. After posting your hire request you will be provided with a unique 6 character Shift Code to provide the courier to start the sift. The courier will be notified of your hire request. You will only be charged once you provide the courier the hire Shift Code to activate the session.
Payment Methods
When am I charged for the Pay per Order service?
You are only ever charged after a courier has completed the delivery request through the WuHu Delivery Protocol. This requires you sharing the Delivery Code for that order with the courier. Once the 4 character Delivery Code has been shared with the courier you will be charged and the courier credited with completing the delivery.
When am I charged for the Hire by Hour service?
You are only charged when you share the hire Shift Code with the courier to commence the shift. The hire Shift Code is a unique 6 character code generated for that hire and available in your Hire Tracker. Once the Shift Code for the hire has been successfully shared with the courier you will be charged the hire fee and the courier credited for the shift.
How does WuHu payment works?
The WuHu platform will automatically deal with the payment through the platform. WuHu will use the payment details provided when you first enrol to process the charges for "Pay per Order" and "Hire by Hour" completed jobs and credit the courier through the platform. Make sure to always keep your details up-to-date for a smooth running of your courier engagement.
Got more questions? Check our FAQ's
Providing everything you need to run an
on demand delivery service.
Frequently asked questions
Getting Started
Who can be a Courier on WuHu?
You must be 18 years or older to create an account. To provide your courier service you also must be legally allowed to work in the UK, have a relevant courier/ haulage insurance and be compliant with any regional or national regulations for providing a courier service to your customers.
What is "Pay per Order"?
Pay per Order is when your customer posts an order for delivery. This order request will appear in your WuHu courier app profile under "My Offers" or "To Network". "My Offers" are orders posted only to you to view for delivery. Orders under "To Network" are available to the local courier network to view until accepted by a courier.
You get paid for each order you successfully Accept, Collect and Deliver following the WuHu Delivery Protocol. An order is considered successfully completed when your Customer provides you the unique 4 character Delivery Code. Once the order is completed you are credited the Delivery Fee for that order.
What is "Hire by Hour"?
Hire by the Hour is the WuHu option that allows you to set your Private Hire rate per hour and get hired by the hour by local customers. Customers will see your hire profile and can chose to hire you for a particular job for a predefined period of time at your private hire rate.
Payment Methods
At which point do I get credited for each Pay per Order or Hire by Hour?
You get credited for each delivered order successfully completed by entering the valid Delivery Code provided by your customer. For Hire Shifts you get credited for each hire as soon as entering the valid Shift Code provided by your customer when starting the shift.
When do I get paid?
You are credited immediately after each order and hire completed on the WuHu platform according to the Pay per Order and Hire by Hour Protocol. Funds are deposited to your bank account on a rolling 7 day payout cycle. For example orders and hires completed on a Tuesday are paid into your bank account the following Tuesday. All payments are processed according to UTC time.
How can local customers book my courier service?
Your local customers will need to create a WuHu customer account using the web link. Your customers will be able to view your courier profile when active and in the vicinity of your service. They will be able to then engage with your service on a Pay per Order or Hire by Hour basis depending on their delivery requirements.